What distinguishes Antoni Starowieyski from other contemporary Polish artists is his poetics in the handling of form and colour. His works, thanks to their synthetic nature, which consists in clearing the pictorial field of all superfluous elements, are an easy object for the viewer in the process of perception. The eye is not distracted by the multitude of objects so that it can focus on the relations visualised by Sartowieyski between the external and the internal world - metaphorically captured in the painting.
The atmosphere of intimacy emanating from his works enables the viewer to penetrate his inner self and discover that sphericity, which is important for Starowieyski, both in his body and in the surrounding material and immaterial reality. His works do not interfere with the non-image world and are not meant to be a testimony to the multitude of invisible realities. They are merely a simultaneous medium generating a situation of suspension between one event and another happening both in the human mind and in the absorbing world.
Common Stories - Color Criterion, Koneser Academy Salon, Warsaw & Zbrojowania Sztuki, Gdańsk, Poland
"An exhibition of four. Kotlicki / Leder / Starowieyski / Sylwestrowicz ”, Olimpus Gallery, Łódź, Poland
"Snow: Jan Dobkowski, Pszemek Dzienis, Antoni Starowieyski, Ralf Tekaat, Tomasz Tatarczyk", Galeria Szydłowski, Warsaw, Poland
Passing Everyday ..., Promotion Gallery, Warsaw, Poland
"Anti - Portrait", BWA, Kielce, Poland