Geometry, contour, purity of form, and the need to make the gaze pure that goes with it - these are issues that cannot be ignored when wanting to delve into Mieczyslaw Janikowski's work. The endless transformation of geometric forms, moving from the sharp compact structures of triangles and squares to the sensual oval, circle and ellipse. The organicness of form and the attempt to make perception a truly bodily process..
The apparent simplicity resulting from the aforementioned linear figures intensifies the existential and metaphysical process of contemplation that is also important to the artist's creative process itself.
"Memorial Exhibition Mieczyslaw T. Janikowski", Dorian Galleries, London, United Kingdom
"Abstract painting", Gallery "Krzysztofory", Cracow, Poland
"Gasze", Desa Gallery, Cracow, Poland
"Janikowski Painting," New Vision Center Gallery, London, United Kingdom.