The obvious appears as non-obvious, and the non-obvious becomes obvious. Crossing the boundaries of reality involves learning about and exploring new dimensions. Exploring worlds and the systems that make them up.
This non-obviousness can take many forms. It can speak through color, light, shape or texture. Sometimes it resembles something familiar, and at other times it seems to be an afterimage of distant memories whose existence we question.
In this way, the multifaceted concept of abstraction is born. Just as in the various spaces and patterns that make up the reality around us, so in art it can reveal itself in a different form. To be expressive, filled with intense colors, dynamic and liberating, or, on the contrary, to be characterized by asceticism, scientism or speak the language of geometry, or to center around transcendence and affect the meditative dimension of the work.
Abstraction is constantly taking on new faces. It adapts itself to a particular time - the historical moment in which it serves as the language of artistic expression of the artist using it. Its relentless timeliness stems from its intrinsic characteristic of deconstructing itself leading to re-birth in a new reality.
As Bozena Kowalska - one of the most important Polish art historians - wrote, "Geometry in art, including contemporary art, is a way of conveying specific content, not an aesthetic formula. This purpose was served by getting artists to answer the directly asked question: what sentence does geometry fulfill in art? "1"
What connects geometry and abstraction is the need to understand the mechanisms of the functioning and existence of the world. Abstraction, on the one hand, begins to rely on the pretense of reality and, on the other hand, makes the world we live in everyday more abstract by using diverse means of artistic expression.
The exhibition "Contemporary Polish Abstraction", based on the example of selected works by seven artists, presents the multifaceted nature of the concept of abstraction. The collected works form a conglomerate, showing how contemporary abstraction can develop in different directions and exist on different planes of meaning, which affects its limitlessness. Importantly, abstraction is not the main theme of art created by the artists whose works are presented at the exhibition. It is only a means of artistic expression that allows us to understand the world through other, parallel realities.
Exhibition: 21-24.09.2023
Vernissage: 22.09.2023 - godz.17:00
Jeruzalemska 964/4
Praha 1 - Nove Mesto