"New Expression" at the CCA in Toruń

The exhibition 'New Expression' is underway at the CCA in Toruń, featuring works from our collection. Paintings by: Mariusz Kruk, Leszek Knaflewski, Eugeniusz Markowski and Leon Tarasewicz.
The 'New Expression' exhibition, curated by Krzysztof Stanisławski, is a cross-section of the work of Polish artists from the independent art scene of the 1980s.
The aim of the project is to create a temporary 'Museum of New Expression', containing: well-known objects alongside lesser-known ones and grouping the stars of this tendency together with artists working on the sidelines. The choices of artists and works are in many cases obvious, but sometimes not at all - they were made with a concern for whether these works have stood the test of time, whether they have retained their former vitality and impact[1].
[1]. source:https://csw.torun.pl/csw/wystawa-nowa-ekspresja-44402/