Mariusz Kruk Molski Gallery, vernissage, exhibition, works of art, contemporary art, artist

Mariusz Kruk "There are two kinds of beauty: beauty a) and beauty b)" 27.10.-30.11.2022

On October 27, MOLSKI gallery & collection invites you to the opening of the exhibition of Mariusz Kruk's works entitled "There are two kinds of beauty beauty a) and beauty b). Over 40 works created over the last five years will be presented, including: assambalge, objects, drawings and sculptures. Works from four exhibitions will be put together for the first time: "Pion" (Galeria Miejska Arsenał, Poznań 2017), "Symbiosis of opposites" (Galeria MAK, Poznań 2020), "Co-sound of events" (Galeria Miejska Arsenał, Poznań 2020), "/ ArI sz kRU" (Galeria Biała, Lublin 2022) and the works made for the exhibition in MOLSKI gallery & collection in October this year.

Each subsequent exhibition in this series is a preview of the next one, which is a continuation of the considerations on the problem crowning the previous one. The title "Pion" seemingly - as the artist himself says - results from the fact that the presented objects were vertical; at the same time, the main theme linking the exhibitions is designated here, that is, the relationship between objects, facts, and mutually exclusive ideas. Good and evil, black and white or beautiful and ugly. In order to emphasize the paradox resulting from the subjectivity of the reception as mockingly as possible, Kruk uses non-artistic objects. The artist once again shows that the most important thing is the form which determines the meaning and weight of the object in advance. He draws attention to the volatility of the value of this object and its hierarchy depending on the needs and requirements of the observer. Creating beings from material things, even manifesting their reality, brings him closer to knowing the answer to the question: what is matter? How is it formed? Banal things or objects - I show them as "extraordinary" and as "extraordinary" as those that we consider important to us. I pay attention to the existence of these forms and I wonder where there is an agreement between them, which of them constitute the whole [1].

The exhibition "There are two kinds of beauty: beauty a) and beauty b) shows how far the recipient has to go to get rid of the limitations in contact with the object and then see beauty in simple and seemingly meaningless things. Understanding that the same matter makes up every composition, both the classically beautiful and the theoretically without the right to be like that, is the first step towards total objectification. Breaking out of the generalization discourse leading to the maintenance of omnipresent apathy is the only guarantee of a return to freedom of the reception process. Interpreting the reality around us from every possible perspective. Penetrating the existing layer of an object, situation or relationship. The energy that exists in and around being balances between what is good and what is bad, sometimes allowing you to forget about the existence of both. The aestheticism of Mariusz Kruk's works deconstructs commonly known norms, opening up to the viewer a multitude of possible meanings, interpretations and perspectives.

Opening: October 27, 2022 at 19:00

Exhibition: October 27-30, 2022

[1] Mariusz Kruk in conversation with Bogna Błażejczyk before the exhibition Co-sound of events, May 20 - June 28. 2020 at the Arsenał City Gallery in Poznań


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