MOLSKI gallery Mariusz Kruk sprzedaż obrazów

Opening of Mariusz Kruk's exhibition

Friday 19 April 2024 saw the opening of Mariusz Kruk 's second solo exhibition at MOLSKI gallery.

On display were painting objects characteristic of Kruk's work created between 2017 and 2024. Moreover, 24 linocuts from 2012 were presented to a wider audience for the first time.

In his artistic practice, Mariusz Kruk continues to focus on creating compositions from discarded objects, from which he tries to extract the beauty hidden inside. Elements such as screws, beads or pieces of wood or cardboard in his works become fully-fledged materials for artistic expression.

One gets the impression that the artist's main intention is to make the viewer feel a sense of awe when encountering objects regarded as unsightly. Kruk challenges the viewers to arouse their sensitivity in contact with objects whose beauty is hidden under a shell of apparent triviality.