LESZEK Oprządek Molski gallery sprzedaż obrazów

Opening of Leszek Oprządek's ‘Collections and Connections’

The opening of Leszek Oprządek's solo exhibition ‘Collections and Connections’ took place on Friday 7 June 2024.

The exhibition presented more than 20 sculptural objects made of wood, granite or ceramics.

In the words of exhibition curator Ph.D. Agnieszka Tes:

(...) these sculptures are like a sign that opens the imagination, they release something hidden in the reservoir of memory or in the depths of the psyche, without naming it explicitly, but like poetry, evoking it. So I imagine that in a black tree perforated with rhythmic hollows, congenially titled ‘Night’, one can hide from the world, immerse oneself in a boundless darkness. That the openwork structures or pillars have their origins in Magaliths, Hindu ligamins, ancient temples, and that the concrete punched, organic towers are Thermitoria or Cappadocian rocks. That the great boat laden with cargo is the boat of Charon, who takes the error-laden life to the shores of the hereafter....

The exhibition runs until 12 July 2024 and you are welcome!

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